My Mic Sounds Nice

Art-Official Intelligence

Aaron - Kev - Tim Season 1 Episode 10

 Every year thousands of underprivileged students "sell their pain," emphasizing the effects of poverty on their lives in admission essays to college admission counselors across the nation. Brooklyn, NY student Elijah Megginson rejected that choice and expressed so in a NY Times op-ed piece. MMSN debates the matter, is this "poverty porn" for liberal universities, or is the matter more complex? We explore. 

Computer algorithms affect our lives, making life-altering decisions in the shadows, making choices that impact every aspect of our daily living. As if that alone isn't bad enough, we now know racism has crept its way into the programming. It is impacting hiring, employment, banking, housing, and, yes, your very freedom. The fellas definitely have something to say about this one.